Goodbye Project08/31/22
This program translates the word goodbye into different languages
and shows the flags to go along with those languages. |
About Page09/02/22
In this program, we made an about page for our business
We also learned how to change the font and color of the outputed text. |
Mailing Label09/07/22
In this program, we used text boxes to
string texts together and output them into a mailing label
. |
This program strings messages together to create a story! Create your own story using the textboxes. |
This calculates your BMI by diving your height to weight ratio. |
Test Score Program09/30/22
This program calculates the average grade between two tests
and also sees which one is the higher score. |
Dice Game10/04/22
This program rolls two dice and calculates the probability
of rolling a certain number on the die. |
Craps Dice Game10/11/22
This is the casino game Vegas Craps.
You can lose or win based on what number you roll. |
Triangle Checker10/19/22
Ihis program calculates and classifys the angle
and sides of three triangles. |
Slot Machine11/03/22
This is a Lego Friend's themed slot machine game where
you can bet money and try winning the jackpot. |
Taco Truck11/15/22
This program lets you customize the type of taco
you want to buy and quantity you want to buy. |
Rock Paper Scissors11/15/22
This game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizzard, Spock lets you
play with a friend and hides your answer from your oppenent. |
Sub 2D01/30/23
This program makes a submarine move up, down, right, and left
using arrays and it stays inside of the boundaries. |
A two player game of tic=tac-toe
by using picture boxes and a boolean. |
Basic AI02/17/23
Creates a basic ai using arrays to move the images.
The cow needs to escape and defeat the alien ship! |
Star Field02/28/23
Creates a simulation of moving through a star field,
using arrays and making it change size. |
AI Upgrade03/20/23
An upraded version of Basic AI, with more .
The cow needs to escape and defeat the alien ship! |
Number Array03/28/23
Makes a number array from 1-100.
Finds the highest, lowest, odd, even, and average. |