Computer Science 1

Hello and welcome to my GITA 1 / computer science 1 webpage.
Some of my goals this year are to countine to get good grades and get better at golf!
I am learning C# this year and this page demos all of my C# projects we made this year.
You can download them and see them run, by clicking on the image and running the projects through Visual Studios.

Goodbye Project


This program translates the word goodbye into different languages
and shows the flags to go along with those languages.

About Page


In this program, we made an about page for our business
We also learned how to change the font and color of the outputed text.

Mailing Label


In this program, we used text boxes to
string texts together and output them into a mailing label



This program strings messages together to create a story! Create your own story using the textboxes.

Car Rental 1


This program shows how much it would cost to rent a car. The renter enters
information through text boxes to see the cost of renting a car.
The cost is calculated by the amount of miles driven and how many days they've rented the car.



This calculates your BMI by diving your height to weight ratio.

Car Rental Upgrade


This is an upgraded version of the Car Rental. In this program we
learned how to use radio buttons and check boxes to allow the customer
to choose new features to upgrade their car.

Test Score Program


This program calculates the average grade between two tests
and also sees which one is the higher score.

Dice Game


This program rolls two dice and calculates the probability
of rolling a certain number on the die.

Craps Dice Game


This is the casino game Vegas Craps.
You can lose or win based on what number you roll.

Triangle Checker


Ihis program calculates and classifys the angle
and sides of three triangles.

Slot Machine


This is a Lego Friend's themed slot machine game where
you can bet money and try winning the jackpot.



In this program we learned to use arrays to place the
charcter randomly into the boxes.
Where the door at the top or bottom would open
revealing a monster when they got to that step.

Taco Truck


This program lets you customize the type of taco
you want to buy and quantity you want to buy.

Rock Paper Scissors


This game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizzard, Spock lets you
play with a friend and hides your answer from your oppenent.

Sub 2D


This program makes a submarine move up, down, right, and left
using arrays and it stays inside of the boundaries.



A two player game of tic=tac-toe
by using picture boxes and a boolean.

Basic AI


Creates a basic ai using arrays to move the images.
The cow needs to escape and defeat the alien ship!

Star Field


Creates a simulation of moving through a star field,
using arrays and making it change size.

AI Upgrade


An upraded version of Basic AI, with more .
The cow needs to escape and defeat the alien ship!

Number Array


Makes a number array from 1-100.
Finds the highest, lowest, odd, even, and average.

Final Project


This is my final project that incorporates all the code we've
learned this year. Play as a butterfly and try and collect all of special flowers!
Goodluck flower finder and I hope you enjoy my final project!